Tag Archives: bypass

Gallagher Heart Attack

Gallagher’s heart attack may have been preventable if Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn and Dr. Dean Ornish are correct about a plant-based, no meat and no dairy diet.

Perhaps instead of smashing watermelons, the comedic genius should be eating the melons instead and smashing the artery clogging food.

Best of success to comedian and philosopher Gallagher.

Former President Bill Clinton started Dr. Esselstyn’s diet for his heart problem. Clinton wound up losing 24 lbs, gained lots of energy and changed his life positively.

“ By eating these whole foods and getting away from processed foods, getting away from the dairy … it’s so incredible how powerful the body can be … the major behavior that has to change is interestingly enough, our food. That is the key card, it trumps everything.” – Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn M.D.



Filed under #1, America, Bill Clinton, Blog, cancer, Celebrity Deaths, comedy, Dead, Defense, diabetes, Diet, Disease, Doctor, Dr. Mercola, Education, empowerment, food, Health, health care, Heart, Human Genome, Humanity, in the news, independent news, Information, Intelligence, Interview, Knowledge, Life, M.D., News, Nutrition, Obit, personal responsibility, Reality TV, Science, Secret, Sex, Talk Radio, Tips, vBlog, Vegetables, Vitamins, wake up, Warning, weight loss, you have been warned