Tag Archives: Elena Kagan

Obamacare Unconstitutional

Obamacare unconstitutional healthcare monstrosity. The law says that Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan must recuse herself rather than shove the unconstitutional takeover of healthcare upon the masses.

The perfectly natural performance of function constitutes health. There is a Principle of Life in the universe, and it is the One Living Substance from which all things are made.

A human being is a form of this Living Substance and has within him a Principle of Health. The Power that Heals is in the patient himself.

If a person has faith in the efficacy of a medicine and is able to apply that faith to himself, that medicine will certainly cause him to be cured. Faith, personally applied, cures.

“ Kagan put out the ridiculous statement saying they could order anything and have socialism, go read it … but forget that because we’ve got a White House that says they can launch wars without Congressional approval, now. We’ve got a White House now that says they can arrest us and kill us.” – Alex Jones

The Principle of Health is largely directed by a persons conscious thought, affecting his subconscious mind. If a person will think only thoughts of perfect health, he can cause within himself the functioning of perfect health

So we see that if a person thinks in a certain healthy way, and eats, drinks, breathes, and sleeps in a corresponding way, he will be well.

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Elena “Pat” Kagan confirmed as 112th Supreme Court Justice

Aug 5 – Elena “Pat” Kagan was confirmed to a seat on the Supreme Court, replacing retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.
Nominated by Obama, the Senate voted 63-37 to make Kagan America’s 112th Supreme Court Justice.

Who is Elena Kagan? A Jewish, American lawyer, former dean of Harvard Law School and Solicitor General of the United States.

And current lookalike of the wildly successful “Pat” the sexually ambiguous, Saturday Night Live character.

Kagan is no friend to gun owners and Republicans strongly opposed Elena’s confirmation on grounds of being unqualified for the job, having never been a judge.

” I’m honored and humbled by his [obama’s] confidence… This is the Greatest of all Countries because of the freedoms and opportunities it offers its people. ” – US Supreme Court Justice, Elena Kagan

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