Tag Archives: sheriff

Vladimir Putin New Czar in Town

Vladimir Putin [Владимир Путин] is back in the saddle for a 3rd term as President of Russia.

There’s a new Czar in town and he’s to be the Savior of the Russian Federation.

The ex KGB Lt. Colonel, Putin sees himself as a historical figure who saved Russia from collapse and has the economy on track with oil near $100 a barrel.

Влади́мир Пу́тин Video courtesy of RT – Russia Today

Vladimir Putin took the Oath on the Constitution at a grand ceremony in the Kremlin, Moscow  [Москва]

He’s back as Head of State and promising a stronger Russia. Calm and cool Putin will be the President of Russia for the next 6 years.

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Filed under #1, alternative, alternative media, alternative news and information, Asia, Czars, disinformation, divide and conquer, Владимир Путин, Влади́мир Пу́тин, election, empowerment, EU, European Union, Fascism, genius, Globalists, Government, headline news, Heros, Highlight Video, Human Potential, in the news, independent news, Information, Intelligence, Journalism, Knowledge, Legends, man of the match, misinformation, Money & Power, News, NWO New World Order, One Government, Politics, power, Prestitutes, Professor, Protest, public relations, Reality TV, Revolution, Russia, Russian Federation, Sheeple, soldiers, Speech, success, TV Television, Tyranny, vBlog, Vladimir Putin, Winning