Tag Archives: Americans

Super Tuesday States Results

Super Tuesday states and results. Mitt Romney is the big winner. Mitt Romney has won.

I think a politician always likes applause. Make the world safe for a Republic.

“ If America was a smarter country, wouldn’t you [Ron Paul] be leading in the polls? That is the most applause a Republican ever got around here.” – Bill Maher

Super Tuesday in America: Mitt Romney Ron Paul 2012.

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Americans will be Poorer and Less Free

Dr. Ron Paul was right when in 2002 he said during the next decade, Americans will be Poorer and Less Free,

while they become more dependent on the Government for economic security.

Policy changes could prevent all this but unfortunately that will not occur and the American Republic will be further weakened.

2012 is here. What will 2022 look like without policy change?

“ During the next decade, Americans will be Poorer and Less Free, while they become more dependent on the Government for economic security.

Lets hope and pray that I am wrong on all counts, if so I will be very pleased.” – Rep. Ron Paul R Texas

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Happy Hour Banned in Utah new Laws of 2012

Federal acts SOPA [internet free speech takeover] and NDAA [indefinite detention without a trial] are laws terribly destructive to the Freedom of Americans. Wake Up People.

There are also new US State laws to go into effect in 2012 in America, the former home of the free. Some are:

CALIFORNIA – Mandatory for public school students to learn about the societal contributions of gays and lesbians.

GEORGIA – Any agency distributing public benefits must require each applicant to provide one form of government issued id.

ILLINOIS – Motorcyclists stopped at a red light may go through if it fails to change to green after a reasonable amount of time.

NEVADA – Music therapists, dietitians and educators face new licensing requirements and must undergo a criminal background check.

NEW HAMPSHIRE – Young women under the age of 18 wanting an abortion must first tell their parents or a judge.

TENNESSEE – To vote, a photo ID is required.

UTAH – New laws in 2012 make any daily drink specials illegal so “happy hour” is banned.

Happy Hour is banned in Utah. It’s over folks.


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Americans are now known as the suckers of the World

Alex Jones says the goverment admits the Patriot Act and Homeland Security is for gunowners, Conservatives, Ron Paul supporters and returning Veterans. We’re told it’s for brown people.

What most people don’t understand – if you look at wars, it doesn’t matter who wins. We’re like Don King. We own both fighters. We own both sides.

The American government will pump Trillions of Dollars into Iraq and Afghanistan, playing both sides to her best advantage. And Secure boatloads of money for contractors and friends.

” Obama reads that teleprompter so well … It’s a complete acting job in Wasington DC.” – Kevin Trudeau

Believing we can win is a tipping  point for liberty – if we just believe and act like winners.

The nouveau riche, the new wealth and some of the ultra-rich who are new money, are under attack. They realize the Elite are waging war on them. The Globalists, after 500 years, are now going after Switzerland – shaking down the smaller accounts but leaving  the big, juicy ones alone.  

David Rockefeller is bragging about they’re going to end all tax havens, set a global tax rate to the OECD  and open announcements of Global Government, with these Bankers running it.

This tiny Elite are waging war not just on the middle class and poor but they’re going after a lot of big money.

In the USA when you pay your taxes, it’s not going to infrastructre – it goes to paying interest on the government debt and it’s going to the Bankers!  

Americans are now known as the suckers of the World. There’s no question about it. Americans were so free and had it so good.

The media in America brainwashes people to have the belief things should be a certain way. The majorty of Americans have never left America. People in America just don’t get it.

Have a great day.

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Is America Number One?

Is America Number One?

A 20/20 Video documentary with John Stossel that first aired on ABC television in December 1999

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