Category Archives: entrepreneur

Miami Heat 2012 NBA Champs

The Miami Heat are the 2012 NBA Champions of basketball.

LeBron James won his first NBA title and Finals MVP.

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Oracle CEO buys Hawaiian Island

Billionaire Larry Ellison, the 3rd richest American according to Forbes, has purchased Lanai which is the 6th largest Hawaiian island.

At $500,000,000 it was quite a steal considering it breaks down to a tiny 0.13 cents a square foot. A great 500 million USD investment by the Oracle CEO.

Lanai is a destination of untouched tranquility, relaxation and tranquility. A golfers paradise, no distraction or hustle and bustle like Oahu.

This romantic island is a true getaway, though they also have a Four Seasons five star hotel.

The rich get richer. Congratulations, Mr. Ellison on obtaining Hawaii’s most enticing island. Well played sir and Aloha.

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Kanye West tweets naked pic of KK?

Did Kanye West just tweet a naked pic of Kim Kardashian from behind, eating a banana, while nude? Sure looks that way.

Pornstar Amia Miley says the photo is of her and what’s the big deal. This photo is going viral on the online internet world.

nude photo of Kim Kardashian shown on twitter by Kanye West tweets naked pic of KK

Kanye West tweets naked pic of Kim Kardashian from behind while dining on a room service fruit platter. Ain’t life grand?

Thanks twitter. Thanks Kanye for some good fun and thanks KK or whoever you are, for being a good sport. Good times.

Either way, Kim Kardashian is a master of exposure and publicity. Sex sells and how.


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Ultimate Wealth Money Affirmations

Ultimate wealth money cash vault affirmations. I am feeling wealthy. Money is good. Money is energy and flowing to me easily.

Cash money is coming my way. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My mind is open to the infinite supply of wealth and I allow money to flow freely and generously in my life. I am grateful. There is so much to be grateful for.

Prosperity is everywhere at all times. I claim my right to a prosperous life. Money is raining down on me in multiple streams. Thanks.

I deserve happiness, prosperity and abundance. Cash Money coming my way Mind Movie brain entrainment Subliminal Reprogramming Video:

Wealth is all around me. The more I enjoy life and contribute to the lives of others, the more money I make. Thank you.

I am a magnet for money. Money comes to me. I like money. Money likes me and is speeding its way to me. There is so much to be thankful for.

I am richly rewarded for all that I give. I am a wealthy person. At this moment, enormous wealth and power are available for me. I am grateful.

I release resistance and allow money to flow freely. Money is forever circulating in my life and there is always a surplus. I am so grateful.

People want to do business with me. I radiate success and prosperity. Ultimate wealth, money and prosperity affirmations.


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Money and Happiness Formula

There is a formula for money-getting and happiness. Conclusion of Claude Bristol’s “ The Magic of Believing.”

How to project your thoughts [Chapter 7]  Money-getting formula:

A person who desires riches must go to where the riches are. If it’s money you want, go to where money is and where it is being spent.

Money-getting formula: associate with people who have it or who know how to make it. Become personally acquainted with those who have the authority to spend it.

Sell yourself with the right mental attitude and aura. Be properly attired and focused on your goal.

Belief makes things happen. [Chapter 8] Happiness Formula

Belief makes things happen. All power is from within the image in your mind.

Use it and become the person you envision. Magic there will be.

Happiness is not from outside. Happiness is a state of mind, which we ourselves are in control of.

“ There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.” – Wayne Dyer

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the Mirror Technique

Chapter 6 of the Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol is entitled the Mirror Technique.

Mirror technique. Stare into the mirror. Do you see a man among men, mouse or lion?

The mirror technique is a supercharging method of stepping up the subconscious mind forces.

Stand in front of a mirror and assume the position. Look into the very depths of your eyes and tell yourself, you’re going to get what you want.

Name it out loud. Make a ritual of it and you will be surprised at the results.

You will develop a sense of confidence and power within yourself.

“ Every man carries in his eyes the exact indication of his rank.” – Ralph W. Emerson

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Suggestion is Power

Suggestion is Power. Chapter 4 of the Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol.

Suggestion is power. Repetition of mantras, words or formulas is basic to all religions and play their part.

This brings us to the power of suggestion and autosuggestion which causes the subconscious mind to begin its creative work.

Once belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. It is the law of suggestion.

Suggestion is power – through raising our expectations. It’s the ACT of BELIEVING that is the starting force or generating power that leads to successful accomplishment

Suggestion is a powerful weapon in the hands of anyone who knows how to use it positively.

“ Every person is the creation of himself, the image of his own thinking and believing. As individuals think and believe, so they are.” – Claude Bristol

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Mind is your Supreme Commander

Chapter 3 of Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol involves the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the source of thought while the subconscious mind is the source of power. Thought power is your supreme commander.

A close harmony between the conscious and subconscious mind is a work of art that allows for the best results in life.

Subconscious power includes intuition, emotion, inspiration, imagination, psychic powers and dynamic energy.

Keeping your mind on what you do want assists in attracting your desires.

“ The person with a fixed goal, a clear picture of his desire, or an ideal always before him, causes it, through repetition, to be buried deeply in his subconscious mind

and is thus enabled, thanks to its generative and sustaining power, to realize his goal in a minimum of time and with a minimum of physical effort.” – Claude Bristol

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the Power of Thought

The Power of Thought inspired by Chapter 2 of the self help classic The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol, revised for 2012.

Rolls-Royce luxury automobiles, F-22 jet airplanes and $150,000,000 exquisite mansions – where did they come from originally?

Only one source, from that creative force – THOUGHT. Obssessive thinking and a burning desire makes it so.

Keep your mind off the things you don’t want and on the things you do want. This is the secret to power and plenty.

Something more than hard work is necessary. It is creative thinking and firm belief in your ability to achieve your ideas.

All of our possessions came as a result of our creative thinking. Thought is the source of all wealth.

Successful people have succeeded through their thinking. Their hands were helpers to their brains.

“ There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” – William Shakespeare

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